In the film Children of men, the first enigma which was created was "Why are women infertile?". Throughout the film this enigma was not answered. When we found out that Kee is pregnant we assumed that women may be infertile again but it was not answered.
The second enigma which was created was "Why isn't Theo affected by the death of Baby Diego". This enigma is answered in the film as we find out that Theo once had his own son, so this suggests that maybe after the death of his son he has no feelings as someone close to his heart has died.
When I prepare for my opening sequence I will keep in mind that the engima's created will not be answered in the opening sequence which is what Alfonso Cuaron has done in Children of Men. Watching the opening sequence of Children of Men has helped me immensely as I now clearly understand what I will have to do to create an effective opening sequence where the plot will be set effectively.
Good work on 'Children of Men'. You now need to write some analyses of familiar/original content in two film concepts (as seen in trailers). You also need to have an post about how two title sequences have conveyed info about genre, character, plot etc.